Small Radial Distribution System
Small UHV-radial distribution chamber for up to five (5) UHV-chambers with horizontal transportation (important for powders)
True UHV-conditions during transportation (p<1x10-9 mbar)
Fast transfer < 45 seconds
No cross-contamination between different chambers (esp. using high-pressure reactors)
All chambers from UHV L can be used (full compatibility)
Application example:
Small radial distribution chamber (SD) for UHV-transport of sample between 5 chambers
Fast-entry lock-lock chamber (optional with cooling and detachable laminar-flow or glovebox)
Sample storage for up to six (6) sample holder with heating in one storage position (option)
Sample preparation chamber (with up to four levels including LEED port possible) with manipulator, heating and cooling
VT-SPM chamber with sample transfer, pre-cooling and heating. SPM can be replaced by e. g. IR-chamber